
Elvira Chairunisa
A beautiful name you will not forget
My nicks are: Vira or Moli
& my birthday is on 5/6/90
So wish me happy birthday on that day!
Yeah, & give me presents tooo!


Your music code here! =)

please don't go away
Rabu, 07 April 2010

High Technology Supplies
31 Old Kent Road
EC 1 4DW

Tel : 9452346 Fax : 9452347

To : Date : 4 October 2007
George Alaya Ref : SD / EK
Head Office
East Africa Hotel Group
The Falls Hotel
Victoria Falls

Dear Mr.George Alaya

Computer System

Thank you for your letter which we received recently.We are pleased to advise you that we can supply all the hardware yo need and we also have a full range of software available which is especially designed for hotel use.We will send our representative to your area.Thomas Smith will call you and arrange an appointment.Thomas would give details of what is available and explain how it could help you.We enclose ou catalogue and price list.

We would be happy to supply any further information you require and assure you of our prompt attention at all items.

Yours sincerely
Ms.Susan Davies
Administrative Services Manager

High Tech Supplies
Mangachi Road
Monkey Bay

Telp : 9452346 Fax : 9452347

26 September 2007

International Bank
PO BOX 159
Christchurch 1
New Zealand

Dear Sir or Madam

My name is Elvira Khairunnisa and I am Administrative Assistant.I am a Administrative Assistant.I am writing to you concering to tell you that my Administrative Service Manager will be visiting christchurch on business in 3 months.

She will to open an account with the bank.She will be there in New Zealand for about two months.Please to send me the letter about the minimum deposit required and what interest she will be paid and all information she will need.

If you require any further information,please do not hestitate to contact me.Thank you and I hope everything will be fine.

your faithfully
Elvira khairunnisa
Administrative Assistant

To : Mrs.Janice Lake,Human Resource Manager

From : Susan Davies,Lecturer

Date : 8 November 2007

Reference : SD

Subject : information the trade fair

Iwould like to know an information which mambers of staff will be meaning the stands at the trade fair,and I want confirmation everything will be ok next Thursday.

High Technology Supplies
31 Old Kent Road

tel : 9452346 fax : 9452347

Fax Transmiision Header Sheet

To : Mr.R.Masiye
Company : PCB Laboratories
Fax no : 3456
From : Mr.Marc.C.Brown
Date : 29 November 2007

No.of sheets including header sheet = 1

Message :

We have sent you a twenty four photograph film to be developed at November,19,2007,however we still havw not receivw the photographs and now we need you urgently as some to be used in the advertisement we are placing in computer update magazine next month and we have to give the photograph by the end of this week.

Market Trend

In old days, coffee only sale with 50 cent for a cup of coffee, they can free refill. And then they changed the people attraction with show how they make the coffee, and the consumer can buy the coffee maker.
The trend of coffee now is not only for breakfast, lunch or even dinner but today coffee can be drink anytime, and everywhere, also they include membership.
Coffee now can be drink start from children, teenagers, and adult people. So everyone can enjoy the coffee experiences.

Marketing Strategy
Ø Product
Name Size
Espresso Tall
Brewed Coffee Grande
Frappuccino Venti

Ø Price
Skimming because our product has a high coffee bean quality so have a good taste quality too. And our target market especially for young executive and businessman.

Ø Place
Exclusive because we provide some facilities to make our consumer feel like in their house, so Starbucks make the third house for our consumer beside their house and office.
· Modern Market : Mall, Hyper mart, Supermarket
· Outlet
· Rest area/ Gas Station

Ø Promotion
· Advertising : Print Media, such as : Magazine
· PR :
- Donations
Starbucks has a program which supports children, especially in education.

Ø Sales Promotion:
- Samples
Starbucks always using samples to introduce their new product.
- Poster
When they have new product, they usually posed many poster in their store

Ø Personal Selling:
- Mouth by mouth
Many customer know Starbucks from friends or other families


Ø Segmentation
- Social grade : A, B
- Demographic
Gender : male and female
Occupation : young executive, businessman, teenagers,
House wife
Nationality : America, Indonesia (almost in every countries)
Education : high school, university, colleges

Ø Targeting
Young executive, businessman, teenagers, and house wife

Ø Positioning

Ø Strengths
- Market leader
- Comfortable
- Have a high quality coffee bean
- In town centre
- Well-known in every countries
- Adorable place
- Good service
- Hot spot (wi-fi) available
- Have a good taste
- Recycle fibres
- Good training employee
- Have special offer programs

Ø Weakness
- Not free wi-fi
- Limited seats
- Have not yet provide advertisement by electronic media

Ø Opportunities
- Can be sponsorship
- Make events such as; Art exhibitions and Fair Trade Certified™
- Provide free wi-fi with the minimum order
- Create new flavour

Ø Threats
- Tea
- Mineral water
- Milk
- Juice
- Soft drink
- Alcohol drink


a. What to be done, when, and how
We will make a program free wi-fi for customers with minimum IDR 100.000
Provide member card with special offer programs and member card can be refill too so if their want to buy our product they can only use their member card for payment.
We will add new outlet in recreation place (amusement park).


For Starbucks, boss and staffs are same and one soul. That’s why we call them ‘partner’. We change the mind set of our customer, Starbucks became third house which has unique warmness that to differentiate from two places- their house and office.
Starbucks already became a successful company of coffee in International market. Starbucks also is the first who made synonym of coffee such as barista, chai, venti, and Frappuccino® blended beverage. The one important thing in our company for our costumer is satisfaction. Not only our costumer but our partner and all who come to our outlet, we give good service and they can get the satisfaction.

In the fact, out partner get 82% for satisfaction in work. Compare with 50% for all company and 74% for company who get the title for ‘Best Place for Work’.
Our company has one program ‘Mission Review Committee’. This program provide for all our partner if they feel that procedure, policy, or attitude the leader out from Starbucks commitment. So we must keep good inside before outside. Beside our partner, our investor can get satisfaction from our company. We have 5 strong principle to make ordinary become extraordinary.


We choose Starbucks coffee as our product and brief information because Starbucks is a market leader for coffee shop in Jakarta. Indonesia is one of the largest coffee suppliers in the world. Due to the fact that Indonesia produces such a good coffee bean it is no wonder if Indonesian people like to drink coffee and finally became like a tradition. This is why Starbucks introduces the culture of drinking coffee that is enjoyable, relax, comfort, and also introduces the European lifestyle while they drinking coffee.
Thank you to Mr. Imanuel for the opportunities that you give to us to make this analysis and also to the team that help each other to make this paper happen. Hopefully this paper will help you to get more information and experience about how to build a good business.

I. Background

1971 :
The first Starbucks open at Seattle, Washington.
The Starbucks name comes from Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. The price for a cup of coffee is 50 cent with free refill. The first coffee of Starbucks just an ordinary black coffee, so to make the coffee more sweet, they give a little cream and sugar and mix with plastic red straw.

1980 :
Howard Schultz, CEO Starbucks changed the experience of drinking coffee in America from ordinary to extraordinary. He wants to make the people lifestyle for spend much time to feel the experience at the coffee shop with European style. Impressed with their popularity and culture, he sees their potential in Seattle and becomes coffee crazy.

1990 :
The demand for great coffee allows Starbucks to expand beyond Seattle, first to the rest of the United States then further a field. After becoming one of the first companies to offer stock options to its part time employees, Starbucks becomes a publicly traded company.

2000 :
The Starbucks phenomenon continues. At the time of writing, Starbucks has more than 6000 locations in over 37 countries with 35 million consumers. Starbucks have been introduced synonym of coffee such as barista, chai, venti, and frappuccino® blended beverage into our daily words. And this is not only changed the business but also the America culture and Starbucks have been influenced all of culture in the world.


To increase awareness in the mind of their target publics and to increase sales about 25% by the end of December 2008.

III. Current Market Situation

The Market
Starbucks is a company of that offers coffee drinking which the menu alternating with other beverages and pastry. It is stable market in its industry. Starbucks plays in a small market because it doesn’t have many competitors in this industry in Indonesia. Some of the competitors in this industry are :
· Coffee Bean’s
· Gloria Jean’s Coffee
· Bakoel Koffie
· Excelso Coffee
· Kopie Luwak
· Bengawan Solo, etc

The Product

The product that sold in Starbucks are :
· Beverages
· Whole coffee bean
· Pastries
· Coffee-related retails items

There are so many other variations of beverages outside coffee. Some of the substitutes are :
· Tea
· Soft drink
· Alcohol drinks
· Mineral water
· Juice


Semua tuntutan yang diajukan kepada tersangka diajukan oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum. Bila Jaksa Penuntut Umum merasa belum puas akan putusan yang dijatuhkan oleh hakim atas tuntutannya, maka dapat dilakukan upaya hukum agar putusan terdahulu dapat diperbaiki. Hal tersebut berlaku juga atas Terdakwa. Upaya mendapat perbaikan putusan ini bergantung siapa yang tidak puas akan putusan tersebut.

Ada 2 macam upaya hukum, yakni upaya hukum biasa dan upaya hukum luar biasa.Upaya hukum biasa dilakukan bila putusan tersebut belum BHT, antara lain Upaya Banding ke Pengadilan Tinggi dan Kasasi ke Mahkamah Agung. Sedangkan Upaya Hukum luar biasa dilakukan terhadap putusan yang sudah berjenjang BHT, yakni dengan upaya kasasi oleh Jaksa Agung demi kepentingan hukum, serta Peninjauan Kembali ke Mahkamah Agung. Ada unsur yang luar biasa dalam kedua Upaya Hukum terakhir ini.


Dalam kasus Sheila Marcia, Jaksa Penuntut memohon kepada Hakim Pengadilan Negeri agar hukuman yang dijatuhkan adalah selama 1 tahun. Sheila kemudian mengajukan banding ke Pengadilan Tinggi dengan harapan hukuman lebih diringankan, dan hal tersebut pun terjadi. Dan semua tuntutan yang ditujukan kepada Sheila Marcia diajukan oleh jaksa penuntut umum.Jika jaksa penuntut umum merasa belum puas,atas putusan yang dijatuhkan oleh hakim atas tuntutannya, maka dapat dilakukan upaya hukum agar putusan yang terdahulu dapat diperbaiki. Hal tersebut berlaku juga atas terdakwa. Upaya mendapat perbaikan putusan ini tergantung kepada siapa yang merasa tidak puas terhadap putusan tersebut.

Jakarta, 10 Agustus 2009 , Sheila Marcia Joseph kembali harus mendekam di penjara selama lima bulan lagi. Pasalnya, putusan kasasi Mahkamah Agung menguatkan putusan pengadilan tingkat pertama.
Menurut Prim Haryadi, pada putusan di tingkat kasasi tertanggal 27 Mei 2009, selain harus menjalani putusan di tingkat pertama, Sheila juga dibebani hukuman tambahan berupa denda sebesar Rp5 juta. "Jika denda ini tidak dapat disanggupi oleh terpidana, maka terpidana wajib menjalani hukuman penjara selama dua bulan," ujarnya.Putusan kasasi tersebut, lanjut Prim Haryadi, telah diterima oleh pihaknya dan telah diteruskan ke para pihak, yakni Sheila maupun pihak kejaksaan yang menangani perkara ini. Oleh karenanya, menurutnya, eksekusi untuk mengembalikan wanita asal Bali ini kembali ke dalam penjara, ada di tangan jaksa.

Pada sidang pertamanya, Sheila Marcia dijerat dengan 2 pasal, yakni pasal 62 yunto 5 dan pasal 71. Sheila yang ditangkap di apartement Golden Sky bersama 2 rekannya, Ayung dan Apriliana, terpaksa harus menerima tuntutan karena mereka tertangkap tangan ketika sedang mengkonsumsi narkoba jenis shabu-shabu. Dan meskipun Sheila dituntut 5 tahun penjara, pihak keluarga mengaku tidak mengajukan eksepsi. Mereka berharap dengan sikap kooperatif yang dilakukan Sheila dan pihak keluarga, Majelis hakim akan menanggapi dengan positif.

Kelanjutan sidang ke-2, Sheila Marcia pada tanggal 27 Oktober 2008 dengan agenda keterangan saksi-saksi dan pembahasan duduk permasalahan. Sheila Marcia Joseph adalah Bintang model dan acting Indonesia kelahiran Malang. Jawa Timur, 3 September 1989. tanggal 7 Agustus 2008, Sheila tertangkap bersama 4 orang di apartement Golden Sky Pluit lantai 7 kamar 8 pada Kamis, 7 Agustus 2008 jam 7 malam. Sheila dan teman-temannya ditangkap atas tuduhan pemakaian shabu-shabu. Vonis atas Sheila akhirnya dijatuhkan pada 15 Desember 2008 di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Utara. Hakim memutuskan bahwa mantan Sheila Marcia divonis selama 1 tahun penjara, dipotong masa tahanan dan diwajibkan membayar denda Rp.5 Juta. Hampir 7 bulan mendekam di penjara, Sheila dibebaskan pada 6 Maret 2009. Bagai sudah jatuh, masih tertimpa tangga. Itulah yang kini dialami oleh Sheila. Pada Senin (07/09/09) ia kembali ditangkap oleh pihak kejaksaan tinggi akibat kasus narkoba yg pernah menjeratnya. Sheila harus menjalani sisa hukuman sekitar lima bulan di penjara. Saat ini ia ditempatkan di Rutan Pondok Bambu, Jakarta Timur.

Jika kita analisa, tentunya hasil keputusan dari pengadilan yang memberikan putusan 1 tahun atau denda sebesar 5 juta kepada Sheila Marcia. Sheila Marcia yang telah menjalankan hukumannya selama 7 bulan karena pihak Sheila Marcia mngajukan banding. Namun pada akhirnya Sheila Marcia harus mendekap di penjara lagi selama 5 bulan dikarenakan agar Sheila Marcia memenuhi sisa kewajiban hukumnya, melalui surat putusan registrasi mahkamah agung 947/K/pid.sus/2009 yang ditetapkan 27 mei 2009 memvonis Sheila Marcia 1 tahun penjara.karena sudah menjalani 7bulan penjara jadi Sheila Marcia hanya melanjutkan 5 bulan saja di dalam jeruji besi. Tentunya hasil putusan pengadilan itu sangat tidak adil bagi Sheila Marcia.

Bab 4
Kesimpulan & Saran

· Kesimpulan
Dari kesimpulan yang kami dapatkan dari kasus pidana Sheila Marcia mengenai keterkaitan Sheila Marcia terhadap narkotika dan positif karena memakai shabu-shabu yang tertangkap basah disalah satu hotel daerah Jakarta pusat, akhirnya Sheila Marcia dikenai tuntutan pidana selama 1 tahun penjara dan denda sebesar Rp. 5 juta, dikarenakan pihak Sheila Marcia mengajukan banding ke pengadilan tinggi. Maka hasil putusan pengadilan menyatakan bahwa Sheila Marcia menjalani hukuman pidana selama penjara 7 bulan, dengan berbagai alasan.
Namun pada akhirnya Sheila Marcia harus mendekap kembali di penjara selama 5 bulan dikarenakan agar Sheila Marcia memenuhi kewajiban sisa hukumannya, melalui surat putusan registrasi mahkamah agung 947/K/pid.sus/2009 yang ditetapkan 27 mei 2009 memvonis Sheila Marcia 1 tahun penjara.karena sudah menjalani 7 bulan penjara maka Sheila Marcia hanya melanjutkan 5 bulan di dalam jeruji besi.

• Saran
Selalu berhati - hatilah dengan hukum di Indonesia jika anda mempunyai masalah dengan hukum, karena terkadang hukum tidak berlaku adil terhadap kita yang sudah menjalankannya secara benar. Sekalipun kita dalam keadaan hamil seperti, ataupun kita sudah mengajukan naik banding seperti yang Sheila Marcia alami. Banding yang sudah di putuskan oleh hakim pun ternyata tidak berlaku bagi Sheila Marcia yang sudah bebas beberapa bulan, namun pada akhirnya Sheila Marcia pun harus memenuhi sisa masa hukumannya selama 5bulan. Perempuan yang berusia 20 tahun ini pun harus tetap menjalani sisa masa hukuman meskipun dalam keadaan hamil.




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